DZRJL Caving School 2020

The mysterious world of karst underground, discovery and exploration of caves is one of the last frontiers of planet Earth. To be part of it you are kindly invited to join this year’s caving school, where you will get acquainted with all there is to know to visit and explore caves in an appropriate, safe way.

The school will begin on Thursday, March 5, 2020, at 7 pm in society premises at the ex air-raid shelter on Majaronova street in Ljubljana. The cost is 65 € and includes lectures, equipment rental, a set of accessory cords with a carabiner, a book Do not go to caves headlessly (in Slovenian), visits to caves, single rope technique exercises and the final exam.

Advance admission to the school is optional, but the number of places is limited and advance applicants are given priority. Sign up via this email address.

The caving school consists of 6 lectures and 6 field trips (cave visits and single rope technique exercises in climbing areas). Lectures will be held in March and April every Thursday at 7pm in society premises. They will address cave from equipment and cave research techniques aimed at overcoming cave obstacles, to protecting caves and the principles of cave-friendly visiting and exploration, to cave formation, documentation of cave explorations, to cave hazards and response in case of an emergency, including first aid basics. Field excursions will be held on Saturdays. They will be conducted at first in simpler and later in more demanding caves.

Foreseen caves and activities:
March 3 : Mačkovica cave – The first excursion will get you acquainted with the cave environment and is suitable for anyone with reasonable level of physical fitness and dexterity. It will also enable the school participants to find out whether caving suits them or not. Participation in the first lecture and the first excursion is free of charge and without obligation.
March 14 : Črnuški most Bridge – single rope technique basics
March 21 : Vranja jama cave – single rope technique
March 28 : Medvedjak cave
April 4 : Jama pri Sv. Treh Kraljih cave
April 11 :  Gorjanska jama cave

To learn more click here!

On demand the course program could be expanded with additional cave visits over the weekends or weekday afternoons.

Caving school is about getting ready for autonomous caving activity in accord with the Rules on qualification for autonomous caving activity (in Slovenian). DZRJL (Ljubljana Cave Exploration Society) is accredited to conduct caving education by the decison of the Ministry (of the Environment and Spatial Planning).

The caving school will conclude with an exam where the acquired knowledge and skills will be verified.

For more information write to:
[email protected]
or contact us via Facebook.

Translated and posted by Primož Jakopin December 28 and 30, 2019, after the Slovenian version, posted by Uroš Kunaver December 24, 2019.