Mesec julij 2020

Rombonske jame, nova odkritja v Breznu Hudi Vršič

Med vikendom od 18. do 20. julija je na drugi strani Krnice potekala še ena kaninska, v brezno Hudi Vršič. Z Mrškom smo se že pred korono menili za akcijo in končno so se zvezde poklopile: na juriš na jurja smo se podali Mršek, Jure in jaz. V petek smo šli spat na B postajo in v soboto nam je…

Exhibition : Globine gora (Mountain Depths)

The main authors of the photographs, Uroš Kunaver and Matic Di Batista, with their assistants presented the cold, demanding and dangerous depths of the high mountain karst, where exploration requires a special audacity and perseverance, in more than a dozen photographs. That the venerable age of the Society is not an obstacle is shown by the fact that all photographs…

Planina Poljana – caving discoveries of 2019

During the COVID-19 isolation time our lectures moved to the web. You can watch the April lecture by Špela Borko, on the explorations at Planina Poljana above Lake Bohinj in the video below (in Slovenian). Translated and posted by Primož Jakopin July 7, 2020, after the Slovenian version, posted by Behare Rexhepi April 4, 2020

Glas podzemlja / Voice of the Underground 2020

A new issue of the DZRJL journal has been released in an online edition. In brings the views of the current and former presidents on the operation of the society, articles about past as well as the latest explorations and about the caving camps, about the Wilhelm Putick Award, cave cleaning campaigns and other activities of the society. Among the…

Wilhelm Putick award for 2019 presented

In 2019, after many years of exploration in the Mt. Rombon cave system, close to 1,800 m of new tunnels were discovered in one of the caves, the Hudi Vršič … Translated and posted by Primož Jakopin July 7, 2020, after the Slovenian version, posted by Primož Presetnik March 4, 2020