Lecture “Clean underground – a model for the protection of the karst underground”

Clean Underground is an initiative by cavers (http://www.cistopodzemlje.info) that has in five years changed the concept of karst protection in Croatia. The lecture will present what has been achieved during this period and how cavers are fighting to preserve the caves in Croatia. How to start an amateur project from scratch? With whom and in what way to negotiate? To whom and how to lecture? How to maintain relationships and strengthen cooperation within the caving community? What is the role of the media and politics and what is the role of large companies in the development of such projects? These are just some of the issues we will try to answer with a lecture and a friendly conversation.
The lecture will take place on Tuesday, 11 February 2020 at 6 pm at the Department of Biology, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
Lecturer: Rudjer Novak. The lecture will be in Croatian.
Translated and posted by Primož Jakopin July 7, 2020, after the Slovenian version, posted by Uroš Kunaver February 4, 2020